The Return of Valverde

By Stuart Shea

He’s back! When I saw him, I squinted.
Is that silly beard really half-tinted?
.     ‘Twas a lift that he gave
.      Nailing down his first save,
And potential new doggerel minted!


Where in the Paper?

by Cary Donham

Where in the paper do the Cubs belong?
Not in Sports!  Oh mama, that would be wrong
With their hapless hitting and wretched bullpen
Any change by Sveum’s just spitting in the wind

Maybe in Business with their leveraged debt
At least Wrigley’s renovation’s now an even bet
Or perhaps in Travel, touting the new Cub hotel?
How about Entertainment with more night games to sell?

I know! Local News about the new Jumbotron signage
Then they can quote the irate neighbors whinage.
But even though the Cubs just broke out their mitts
It looks like this season belongs in the Obits.


Born Blue

by David Adler

I grew up with Garvey and Cey
And Russell and Lopes every day
.      Sutton on the hill
.      Lasorda so shrill
My heart lived off Stadium Way


Big Papi’s Bomb

by Hart Seely

Though Boston can be dark and gritty,
In one man’s eyes, she’s always pretty.
He should lead some p.r. committee.
Big Papi loves that fuckin’ city.

He’s always showing style and grace,
Puts smiles upon each cherub’s face,
And pessimism? There’s not a trace.
Big Papi loves that fuckin’ place.

Though sometimes, evil runs amok,
And Boston’s team seems out of luck,
One voice shall rise above the muck.
‘Cause Papi gives a fuckin’ fuck!

This poem was first posted on Hart’s website, It Is High, It Is Far, It Is … caught.

Bug in Gut But No Hitch in Cut

by Michael X. Ferraro

The Nats have a slugger named Bryce
whose tummy felt not very nice.
.      Still he stayed in the game
.      and four knocks gained him fame
since he upchucked once more than thrice!