More Unwritten Rules of Baseball

by James Finn Garner


Don’t congratulate a teammate by faking a high five and delivering a hard nad shot.

Don’t talk about racism except in the context of how Jackie Robinson eliminated it.

Rhapsodize about the integrity of the game, but don’t make any big deal about desperately poor Dominican 15-year-olds being drafted by shady agents and advised by “scouts.”

Don’t try and bunt against a pitcher pitching a perfect game unless, you know, you’re trying to help your team score.  Like you’re paid to do.

On-field displays of excitement add too much energy and character to the game, and so must be avoided.

Don’t ever criticize a veteran teammate in the media, even when he lets down the squad. Only rookies can be criticized.

Don’t comment on the herd mentality and obsequious jocksniffery of sportswriters.

And however long you play or watch the game….

Don’t expect to like Alex Rodriguez.


Posted 6/2/2010

It’s The End of the World As We Know It

by Hart Seely


That’s great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes,
an aeroplane – Mariano’s not afraid…
Eiland in a hurricane, Joba going down the drain,
A-Rod serves his own needs, Swisher with his prayer beads.
Johnson saying bye-bye, CC throws: IT IS HIGH…
Batters start to clatter, Johnny Damon, what’s the matter, deep in Cashman’s heart,
Wire in a fire, A.J.  Burnett in a mire, a Granderson for hire and a Chan Ho fart.
Uh oh, no Cano; Vazquez – no go; Mitre can’t throw, so says Alphonso, in a combat start.
You vitriolic, patriotic, Pedroia paranoia, slam, fight, bright light, feeling Redsock psyched, bean Youk? RIGHT!

It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It is high, it is far, and we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it… and it is gone.


Hart Seely is the chief cook and bottle washer at the Yankee blog, It Is High, It Is Far, It Is…..caught.

Posted 6/1/10