Chamberlain, That’s He

by David Bellel


Who is the man whose bad tosses will bring a loss?
Chamberlain, that’s he!
Who will surely fold when your team needs a hold?
Chamberlain, that’s he!

For he isn’t as proud of his name you see,
As a Sparky, Goose, or a Mo could be.

Who is the man that blows a lead every time he can?
Chamberlain, that’s he!

C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N spells Chamberlain
Proud of all the Indian blood that’s in he;
Many a man can say a word agin he.
C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N, you see,
Is a name that shame is usually been connected with,
Chamberlain, that’s he!

C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N spells Chamberlain
Proud of all the Indian blood that’s in he;
Many a man can say a word agin he.
C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N, you see,
Is a name that shame is usually been connected with,
Chamberlain, that’s he!


The sharp-eyed might recognize Harrigan here as one of the cast members of “The Wizard of OZ”.

David posts his thoughts on the Yankees and urban education at his blog Pseudo-Intellectualism.

Posted 7/16/2010

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