by James Finn Garner
Tons of money for the owners.
Ignorance of player-dopers.
More exploitative contract bids
For dirt-poor Caribbean kids.
A baseball classic for the world
Where U.S. players rarely hurled.
With anti-trust still holding fast,
Small-market teams still finish last.
Now, Milwaukee celebrates this schwanz
With a Selig statue cast in bronze.
Posted 8/30/10
A bronze schwanz indeed. Most pathetic moment in sport? Most glaring lapse in leadership and inspiration ever demonstrated to a national television audience? The 2001 All-Star Game.
Amen. What hypocrisy.
Owners making teams, to make money – not to contend.
Blame The Yankees – for wanting to win – but they ALWAYS pay their share, honestly.
Thank you, Budd Selig, for reverting to a car-dealership mentality. As worn as a bad handshake.
Please change the poem to read “statue” not “statute”.
Done. Thanks for catching it.