Truth To Tell?

by Stephen Jones

Time to make amends
(I wish would’ve been said)
By Roger Clemens
(But I cannot judge)

There’s tangled arrogance
Supposed abuse & media rush
Posturing on the mound a stance
In court too to hush

By filed papers
By disclaimers
That a person is naive
Yet aware & conflictive

I thought this bare-knuckle
Bare-faced debacle
Would’ve been erased
By an all-forgiving fan base

But this coming legal sieve
Only wishes/draws attention
To media-flushed speculation
A barrel of brine to leave

Is Adam Dunn?

By Stuart Shea

Is Adam Dunn?

Can he cure the hole-in-the-bat, don’t-know-where-the-hits-are-at, can’t-believe-they-signed-him-for-that blues?

More than likely he’s in a slump,
More than likely he’ll break out of this dump,

But maybe not until he winds up back in the league-where-the-pitches-more-often-are-fat.

A Whimper, Not a Bang

by Hilary Barta

The Cubs and the Sox have done battle
The fans cheered their ‘siders like cattle
.     But the final at bat
.     Felt tiny and flat,
As A.J. gave up the death rattle

Of course you know, Hilary Barta is a world-class illustrator and pens limericks every day over at LimerWrecks, right?  C’mon, get your head out of the sand.