by Hilary Barta
Like Zeus with his shattering bolts
LaRussa’s best batter packs volts
.    Like a powerful god
.    from his towering bod
flows the juice to the bat of Puholz
I’m sure you all know by now that Hilary posts his limericks on monster movies, noir thrillers and comic books every day at LimerWrecks, but I thought I’d remind you all the same.
Puholz or Pujols?
My spelling is not very gud
My typos turn would into wood
With these errors aplenty
I need cognoscenti
to ensure that my gist’s understood
With strength of five thousand wet poodles
he swings his bat like it was noodles
Remember his name
He’s destined for fame
The mightily mispronounced Pujols
Of power and size he has oodles
He’s got the whole kit of caboodles
When Pujols uncoils
good pitches he spoils
right out of the park, saying “toodles!”