When Plugging is Galvanizing (Yankees-Red Sox, 8/18/2013)

by Stephen Jones

I am no fan of A-Rod.  Truth be told:
His off-field antics have left us all cold,
His acts spoiling a national pastime.

But I’d also be less than honest not to chime:
When he was plugged by Ryan Dempster,
That lone-wolf act galvanized Yankee roster.

Girardi fuming, ejected for fairly defending
His player against intentional hunting.
Then Bean Town saw Yankee bats explode

And, sweet irony itself, A-Rod unload
A deep center-field home run off Dempster –
Who by now should have been a “repent-ster.”

The bottom line?  MLB issued suspension
For Dempster’s unwarranted action:
5 meaningless games, late in the season.

Locking the barn door after horses are gone –
the Red Sox’s rotation remains unbroken.


The Ryan Shames

by James Finn Garner

We know he’s a massive tool, Ryan.
At the same time, don’t be trying
To plunk A-Rod in the buttocks
To serve some greater sense of Justice.
He’s still the league’s sacrificial goat
And will surely miss the Hall of Fame vote,
A pitiable man whom no one will pity,
The most loathed non-pol in New York City.
We get it, you’re mad, but don’t be a punk.
You won’t become Batman in one single plunk.
And if it takes you five pitches to nail that poor schlub,
You’re just showing the world you’re still a Cub.


The Very Dry Shampoo

By Stu Shea

Open bottle in April. Pour newly purchased veteran into lineup.
Work veteran into lineup, massaging egos to improve performance.
Veteran will work silently to maintain quality of lineup.
In late summer, rinse veteran from lineup.
Condition lineup with youngsters. Wait several years.
Repeat cycle until no longer necessary.


The Boys of Bummer

by Hilary Barta

Slapping leather, the players array
And together, they’ll play for today
.      But my favorite team
.      Is a wavering dream
And, untethered, is traded away.


Yankees-Angels, 8/12/2013

by Stephen Jones

Kuroda doesn’t speak much,
his pitching does.  He translates
well enough on the mound.

Right now, if words do sound,
he’s Cy Young material,
not by boost – just plain factual.