Learning Curve Ball

by Hilary Barta

The errors, a pitch that went wild
Mistakes on lost chances were piled
Cubs lacked, we’re depressed
But a fact must be stressed:
Of rookies this team is compiled.


Sin of Omission

by Jim Siergey

The Royals strike often and early
in beating the Blue Jays so thoroughly
Each pitcher is thumped
that’s sent to the bump
How clearly they dearly miss Buerhle


Friendlier, Warmer Confines

by Hilary Barta

At Citi the Cubs were defeated
Their pitching and bats weren’t heated
Their sizzle thus chilled,
They fizzled, were stilled
To Wrigley they now have retreated.


The Mets’ Four Aces

by Stephen Jones

Harvey is the Dark Knight, as we all know,
And Syndergaard–he’s Thor’s hammer throw.
deGrom is a Dutch Treat–he makes you pay.
Niese? He’s from Defiance, OH, by the way.