Cooperstown Sonnet

by Mikhail Horowitz

Posey, Puckett, Palmer, Perry
Kaline, Koufax, Killebrew
Thompson, Thomas, Tinker, Terry
Campanella, Cobb, Carew

Wilson, Wilson, Waner, Waner
Feller, Ferrell, Fingers, Flick
Torriente, Taylor, Traynor
Rixey, Mackey, Dickey, Frick

Kelly, Kelley, Keeler, Kell
Alston, Aaron, Appling, Vance
Brouthers, Baker, Bender, Bell
Delahanty, Anson, Chance

Weaver, Winfield, White and White —
And George and Harry, the Brothers Wright!


Mikhail Horowitz is an American poet, performance poet, parodist, satirist, social commentator, author and editor. He lives in the Hudson River valley.

Pummeling Piscotty

by James Finn Garner

Of all parts of the body
That Steve Piscotty
Tuesday got dinged,
Here’s the thing:

While an elbow or two
Might need some glue,
The brain isn’t quite
As crucial in right.


Play Ball!

by Tony Puma

Gray rain pours down on/
Burgundy slate roof.

Red, white, blue, bunting on/
Emerald snack-bar hung.

Lemonade cold in/
Clear plastic bucket.

Orange bus on/
Black pavement, wet.

White lines criss-cross, run/
Red clay infield, mud.

Brown patches in/
Green grass outfield.

Golden sun waited-on by/
Purple-clad Little Leaguers.

Yellow rain-slick worn over/
Navy suited Umpire.

Play ball?


Goodbye Cruel World; It’s Opening Day

by Hart Seely

The gods place bets with loaded dice,
And all our earthly dreams betray,
But listen to one clown’s advice,
Goodbye, cruel world; it’s opening day.

The politicians scrounge for power,
With consequences we shall pay.
But somewhere, it’s our finest hour,
Goodbye, cruel world; it’s opening day.

Our weary age is full of war,
The daily news brings dark dismay,
So surf the dreams worth living for,
Goodbye, cruel world; it’s opening day.