Don’t Stop Bee-Lieving

by James Finn Garner


The Royals lately are a steaming pile,
Batting and pitching quite smelly–
Is this what brought the bees to town?
Or was it the Royal jelly?


All-World Sage

by the Village Elliott

For Willie Mays, born 5/6/1931

Eighty-six years ago, sixth of May,
“Second Genius” kid reborn to play:
Willie Mays, baseball sage,
Struts on Bard’s All-World Stage,
Kid’s fans shout giant birthday “Say, Hey!”


It Ain’t Over ’til It’s Overblown

by Hilary Barta

The season in Baseball is long
There’s time to adjust stuff that’s wrong
No reason to hurry
So, easy, don’t worry
No sign of the fat lady’s song.


Hilary Barta is the proprietor of the essential classic film site, LimerWrecks.