Summer Solace

by Doug Fahrendorff

Not much has gone right
For the Brewers this year.
Contenders? Surely you jest!

The hitting and pitching
Have both been erratic,
The fielding far from the best.

Doug Melvin insists
He’s done what he can
To build a contending team

But fans shake their heads.
A division crown
Seems like an impossible dream.

Still all is not lost.
Despite the record,
Things aren’t entirely black.

We may not be winning
But fans can rejoice:
At least Bob Uecker is back!

Lance Says a Little A-Rod Prayer

by David Bellel

The moment you shoot up,
Before you put on your makeup,
I say a little prayer for you.

While Cameron combs your hair, now,
And wondering what bling to wear, now,
I say a little prayer for you.

Forever, forever,
You’ll stay at 599
And I will hate you
Forever, forever,
We’ll watch your decline,
Oh, how I’ll hate you
Together, together,
That’s how it must be
We’re stuck for seven more years with you,
Truly a Yankee tragedy for we.

You can find more of David’s Yankee screeds at his blog, Pseudo-Intellectualism.

Home Run History

by Stephen Jones

Why the media?  Why the hype?
Numbers & history already corrupted

The bat the number the coverage
All empty right now

(A story within a story)

And Rodriguez waits for his eclipse
Quietly as he should be

More interested in Yankee wins
More important now and ahead

Swinging into September/October

Managing to Smile

by Todd Herges

Each Major League skipper is Atlas,
the weight of the world on his back.
While once did he play
with fun teammates each day,
he now must be stern, never lax.

A thousand decisions each game day
await the wise calls of this man,
so time with the guys
sharing jokes and high fives
in the clubhouse would just never stand.

Upon him are so many eyes –
players’, owners’ and writers’ and fans’ –
the stress makes him sour
and his look becomes dour
as he surveys the diamond and plans.

He likes most his time in the shower.
It’s there he escapes for a while
the press of the press
the GM who knows best
and his wife who likes life in high style.

So why does he deal with this mess?
There’s just something about a great quest!
The end of the year
might bring rings, happy tears
and some pride at how well he has guessed.

Ron Santo, Font of Baseball Wisdom

by James Finn Garner

The Cubs and Cards are tied at two.
Your heart is beating like a drum.
The Cubbies could still win this thing.
Professor Santo opines, “Umm.”

A walk and then a stolen base–
Is Sorey slowing down a bit?
Should Castro bunt or swing away?
Our sage says, “Cubs could use a hit.”

Two outs with men on first and third.
The pitch scoots past Molina–HOW?
Alphonso races home!  Cubs Win!
Mr. Insightful stammers, “Wow!”


Posted 8/3/10