The Cubs Are Full of Bullpen

By Stuart Shea

Things don’t go better with Coke,
And Jackson will constantly choke.
Rosscup’s got a leak,
Schlitter’s a freak,
And James Russell’s sort of a joke.


Baseball in Baltimore

By Stu Shea

A game without a crowd?
That won’t be very loud.
And should we still feel proud
As a town hides under a shroud?
Despite manicured fields and flags unfurled,
You can’t shut out the world.


Alex Rios’ April

By Stuart Shea

Signed to a deal by the Royals–
A chance to retighten my coils.

Given an everyday job,
Replacing that Aoki slob.

Drilled by a rookie in April–
Knocked me on my ass like a vape will.

Out for six to eight weeks,
A delight to those analyst geeks.


National League West 2015 Spring Training Haiku

By Stuart Shea

One perfect lesson:
“Toughness” is no replacement
for smarts and talent

The car will not go
if Car-Go cannot go for
more than half the trip

If Vin Scully calls
a game on SportsNet LA,
does anyone hear?

Best way to catch flies?
Simple. Put shit in your field!
Oh, wait…they’ve tried that

The World Champions
now go begging for alms to
replace their lost pence