The Last Link

by Stephen Jones

It was fall, 1945.  The nightmare,
World War II, had ended.  Now
The world, relieved of pain, exulted
And kissed in Times Square.

But amid relief and ticker-tape,
In Chicago no one knew
That this was just the beginning
Of the Cubbies’ enduring drought.

These words aren’t meant to drag up
A goat’s curse or muddy recollections
Of the “World’s Worst Series”
(Between the Tigers and the Cubs).

No.  It’s 2014, and Memorial Day reminds:
Memories and lives are fading.
The ranks of the best generation
Are getting thinner each and every day.

Closer to home, in dugout memory
Of Wrigley Field, only one link remains:
Lennie Merullo, 97, is the only tie
To the Cubs’ last World Series, of 1945.

Maybe the ’45 Series,
To quote author Warren Brown,
Was truly the “worst” that ever was.
But then, many players were in service

And what is necessary is to recall
That a generation did play ball,
And then went to war
And gave themselves for us all.

American League Central 2014 Spring Training Haiku

by Stuart Shea

Can the Sox play tough?
White indicates purity…
Are dirty suits allowed?

If only Swisher
Struck out more often…but then,
Truth ain’t poetry.

The old roar is gone…
No more sneaking cigarettes.
It’s a young man’s turn.

It is difficult
To keep from strangling youth with
High expectations.

Mauer ain’t sour,
He’s heretofore banished from
Those bad Twins hurlers.


Tiger Woes

By Millie Bovich

Dear boys of summer, cheeks of tan,
We’re listed now “they also ran”.

Who would’ve, could’ve thought last spring
The pennant home they would not  bring?

But pitch relief and you will find
Hitters of another kind.

Our big pay bats could not produce
And as result, too bad, we “loose”.

But thanks for summer’s fun and wins.
The fourteen season soon begins!

For baseball we’ve become as slaves
And  hope the next opponents shave!

Only a cad would say exactly how many years Millie has been a Tigers fan, but we’re betting it’s longer than any of you.