Super Non-Collider

by Jim Siergey

A hit off of Bum that was erred
but Gordon was stopped there at third.
.   To home was not steered
.   Was “Posey Rule” feared?
A Shot ‘Round the World now unheard.


The Seventh Game

by the Village Elliott

Once again starting pitching had sucked;
Saved by double play Joe Panik plucked;
.     Bochy didn’t have a doubt
.     Mad Bum would get last out,
And Royals’ title the Giants abduct.

(Kansas City is Royally f**ked!)


World Series Pop Quiz

By Stephen Jones

The Royals must be hoping
The answer to this quizzing.

Class – here’s a math curve ball.
Will the home team win it all?
Suppose it plays Game Seven
At home. What’s the percent, then?

The Royals may be singing
The answer to this quizzing.

You in the back – what did you say?
Eight out of ten teams win the day?
That’s 80% – and numbers don’t lie.
Maybe that’s the KC reason why

It must be smiling
During pop quizzing.


October Replays

by James Finn Garner

While Giants fans
And Royal loyals
watch the see-saw
with short breath

I feel like I do when I’m watching
an old favorite movie,
and the second-from-last scene is playing
as succulently as ever

“I couldn’t be fonder of you if you were my own son. But, well, if you lose a son, it’s possible to get another.”
“Love is eternal. It has been the strongest motivation for human actions throughout history. Love is stronger than life. It reaches beyond the dark shadow of death.”
“Well, nobody’s perfect.”

But it will be over soon, like always,
And time disappears again
like always
And I walk up the stairs in the dark house
And hope to sleep
All the way til morning.