Clerihews for the All-Star Game

by James Finn Garner

Joe Mauer
Has no need to feel dour.
He’ll get a trip to the Big Apple for frees
Without having to play the Yankees.

Jason Castro
Is the lone Astro.
He brings Bigfoot to mind
As the sole representative of his kind.

Bartolo Colon
Doesn’t climb the mound alone.
He relies on his teammates, and God,
And Big Pharma supporting his ancient bod.

Freddie Freeman
Must be some kind of he-man.
He’ll play in New York instead of Puig.
Too bad that now, I don’t give a fuig.


2013 AL Central Prediction Haiku

By Stuart Shea

No Sale, no pennant?
Can Beckham bend it foreward?
Is Konerko Dunn?

Re-seeding is hard.
Big contracts are easier.

No closer, no stress?
Just win every game by five!
(Time for a Zantac.)

The Wil to win “soon”
Has been supplanted by the
Will to win today.

Ten thousand lakes teem
With tears from ticket-holding
Twin fan Targetees.

Eighteen to Nine

By Barbara Gregorich

Basepaths clogged with Twins
Stacking runs in bins
White Sox nursing chins


Barbara is the author, among other books, of Jack and Larry: Jack Graney and Larry, the Cleveland Baseball Dog, a true story told in verse. You can get it from Amazon here.