Ernie Harwell

by James Finn Garner


Now the Tigers’ voice has been quieted.
He saw teams that won, and fans that rioted.
He saw a man play in the bigs after jail.
He saw a boy pitching tell his baseball a tale.
He saw a flawed man win 31 games,
The careers of good men go up in flames.
He watched a beloved ballpark decay
And the City of Wheels fall by the way.
Yet he knew in the end it was only a game.
God’s plan ignores things like money and fame.
A bat’s just a branch, a mitt is just leather.
Baseball’s true worth is bringing people together.

Some night, when a hit curves decidedly foul,
We’ll hear a faint voice with a sweet Georgia drawl,
Say, chuckling with fathomless love for it all,
“A man from Paradise just caught that ball.”


Posted 5/5/2010

Our greatest endorsement

Chisox: Go-Go or No-No?

by Jim Siergey


Will this be the year of Go-Go Sox
or simply another “Oh, No Sox”?
A team that is trim
with vigor and vim
or one that is full of so-so jocks?


Posted 5/4/2010

Pork Haiku #1

By Gary Gillette

In honor of broadcaster Mario Impemba who, during the April 12 Tigers broadcast, talked about how Royals skipper Trey Hillman had managed the “Ham Fighters”…


Nippon Ham Fighters!
WTF? Americans
Fear Pugnacious Pork.


Posted 4/29/10

South Side Fireworks, Inside

by James Finn Garner


On Opening Day at the Cell,
Amidst the ravening horde,
The men’s room witnessed a tryst ‘twixt
A South Side lady and lord.

All the prudes and official blue-noses
Who by this action were floored
Should think of the White Sox’s condition
And be grateful that somebody scored.

Posted 4/26/10

American League Central 2010 Haiku Forecasts

By Stuart Shea

A Putz in the ‘pen,
Another in the dugout,
Not just birds Twitter.

No more wedge issues.
It’s time to see just how good
This ballclub can be.

A brand new springtime?
Whatchoo talkin’ bout, Willis?
This is your autumn.

As tulips and tree pollen,
95 losses.

Mauer power is
Ensured for many more moons
In the new playpen.

Posted 4/11/2009