by Susan Petrone
I am the very model of a Modern Clubhouse Veteran,
I share my knowledge with the rookies and my baseball bretheren
I’ve been a pro for many years and quote the games historical,
My post-season experience is more than just rhetorical;
In the field, I’m average, it matters not a whit to me
I’m here to hit and demonstrate my offensive consistency
They call me cheerful and upbeat, I guess I’m really not sedate
But I can teach the younger guys on showing patience at the plate.
I’ll make the clubhouse warm and fuzzy so the team can rock the Jake
That’s why I had them dress like fools and made them do the “Harlem Shake”
In short so Tito doesn’t have to take so much Excederin
I am the very model of a Modern Clubhouse Veteran.
Susan Petrone blogs regularly on the Cleveland Indians at It’s Pronounced Lajaway.