“Mark the Bird” by Shirley Stringham
I’ll Believe It When I See It
by James Finn Garner
Arby’s is a gourmet taste
Fargo’s an exciting place
Roseanne boasts an hourglass waist
And Adam Dunn steals second base
The deficit has no room to grow
Charlie Sheen lays off the blow
Pope Benedict turns gigolo
Big Donkey beats the catcher’s throw
Olympic swimming power: Slovakia!
New fashions sewn of dieffenbachia
Cheney sports ears like Mr. Spock — Yah!
And Dunny steals on Saltalamacchia!
Team Dog
By Barbara Gregorich
Jack and Larry leave Canada
for Cleveland, where Larry inhales
the scent of every player,
.    twitching his tail and planting
.    his paws on each
.         of them.
Jack shows his teammates
each new trick Larry
.    has learned —
.    jumping as high as Jack’s shoulder,
.         sitting on Jack’s shoulders,
.         balancing on Jack’s head.
On the wooden platform,
waiting for the southbound train,
.         the Naps take turns
.         playing with Larry.
Jack makes sure
each player knows that Larry
.    is not just Jack’s dog,
.         he is the team’s dog, too —
.         the official mascot
.    of the Cleveland Naps.
Jack reminds them that they
are all proud of Larry and of
.         themselves, and he hints
.         that maybe they should study
.    how Larry behaves.
Boarding the train,
Jack flexes his arm
.    and stretches his shoulder,
.    heading for the aches
.           of spring training
.    and the hope
.    that his arm has healed.
Taken from Barbara’s new book, Jack and Larry: Jack Graney and Larry, the Cleveland Baseball Dog. You can get a copy of this story of the only live mascot ever held by a major league team by visiting Barbara’s website or watching for her at this week’s SABR convention in Minneapolis.
Tigers’ Wrigley Haiku
by Mark Smith
Tigers at Wrigley
Victory thrown to the wind
Sweet Home Chicago