Ode to Oddibe

by Jim Siergey

A wildcat did prowl
The wind began to howl
and Oddibe McDowell
belongs in a Bob Dylan song.

Jim Siergey is the author and illustrator of the Cubs alternate history If They Did It. You can see more of his illustration work at his website here.

The Conflicts of Dick Allen (A Villanelle)

by Patrick Dubuque

We’re taught the game is played a certain way;
That men should bunt and strike out reverently
There really isn’t much else left to say.

In Little Rock, they welcomed him with spray
A sullen, stinging, whitewashed reverie.
We’re taught the game is played a certain way.

When one man swung his bat and struck him, they
Bestowed on him the culpability.
There really isn’t much else left to say.

He scratched October Second in the clay
Where local fans had once flung batteries
We’re taught the game, to play a certain way

And despite his prodigious, powerful display
Battling loneliness, rage, misery
There really isn’t much else left to say.

And so Dick Allen scowled as he played.
And so old men wrote their history.
We’re taught the game is played a certain way.
There really isn’t much else left to say.

Patrick Dubuque is the head honcho at the blog The Playful Utopia, which you all should start reading.

Perfect Timing

by Joyce Heiser

Twenty-first birthday
and daughter’s a White Sox fan.
Booze might help that pain.

Eject Button Pusher?

by Hilary Barta

For Ozzie Guillen:

With umps he will fight for a hitter,
or scream that a pitch was a spitter.
He’ll argue the calls,
that strikes should be balls,
but his tweets have the league all a-twitter.

Hilary Barta’s pop-cult limerick blog, Limerwrecks, is a mandatory daily requirement.

Ozzie U R 2 Much! LOL!

by James Finn Garner

When Ozzie G. twitters a tweet,
He lands his ass in the hot seat.
With a quick 4G link,
He reveals in a wink
That his mouth can hold more than both feet.