Panda Fan’s Lament

by the Village Elliott

As Giants’ Panda fan since his birth,
Loved the way Pablo played full of mirth–
Ate from both sides of plate,
Now he can’t hit his weight,
Sad he’s unfit to play with full girth.

After the Giants got Panda’s best,
The Red Sox will pay for the rest.
Jints dodged bullet by not
Matching loot Panda got.
Sox fans moan, Giants’ faithful feel blessed.


Waisting One

by Michael X. Ferraro

Pablo wanted to belt the ball
So he took a prodigious hack.
But to his dismay, Sandoval’s belt
Is the thing not coming back.


For the video of this wardrobe malfunction, click here.

Michael’s hilarious football book Circus Catch is available from Amazon now.