“Money Ball” MVP

by the Village Elliott

For Josh Donaldson

“Oh by golly, by gosh,
Why’d Beane have to trade Josh?”
Cried fan who’s an A’s East Bay mourner.
“He belongs with our A’s,
Not up north with the Jays,
There playing Toronto’s hot corner!
Now Josh Donaldson’s the
Presumptive MVP
Of the AL, at least he so plays;
While Beane signs bodies warm,
Without legs, hands or arm,
To play the hot corner for the A’s!”

Reckon my friend forgot
Billy owns part of pot,
Kind of like the Cards and Branch Rickey.*
Deal the A’s made with Beane
When the Red Sox seemed keen,
Suggesting Beane, like Rickey, is “tricky”;
Trading deadline is nigh.
Soon fans might say “goodbye”
To both Scott Kazmir and Sonny Gray,
For I doubt Beane forgot
Like Branch, his piece of pot
Is part of what makes Money Ball pay.

PS: Only took half a day
Till Beane traded away
Scott Kazmir, as we all knew he would,
In return, two unknowns
Causing more A’s fans’ groans,
Knowing these guys are gone if they’re good.

* When Branch Rickey and Cards,
Owned by Breadon, were pards,
Branch got a cut of each deal he made;
With his farm system flush,
Rickey deemed it a “rush,”
To sell players so he is well paid.
“The Pious Hypocrite”
In his office would sit,
Trade players, not year late, one early;
Rickey never looked back,
Busy counting his stack.
Others thought him impious and surly.

If I Could Change (the All-Star Game)

by the Village Elliott

If I could change the All-Star Game,
I’d change how I chose All-Star team.
I’d choose again All-Stars from when
First penciled my name in my dream:

If I could change the All-Star Game,
Would be announced by Dizzy Dean.
He pitched on those still-broken toes,
And knows what All-Star Game could mean.

If I could change the All-Star Game,
I believe I’d start Carl Hubbell,
Then Babe Ruth, next Lou, “Double-X”,
Simmons, Cronin — ain’t no trouble.

If I could change the All-Star Game,
I’d choose “Old Red Head”, Stan “the Man,”
For extra inning- roommates’ winning-
Home runs, as we’ve seen they both can.

If I could change the All-Star Game,
I’d say: “Say Hey, hey, lets play two!
Show NL’s pride to other side;
Two All-Star Games, both made for you.”

If I could change the All-Star Game,
I’d pick Reginald Martinez.
With his power, hits light tower.
“He slugged it like Roy Hobbs,” Diz sez.

If I could change the All-Star Game,
I’d choose my angel, Freddie Lynn.
With three on, wham, hits lone grand slam,
To Atlee Hammaker’s chagrin.

If I could change the All-Star Game,
For my final contribution,
Again play game for pride and fame,
Not World Series distribution.


“Few More Deservin'” Hall of Famer

by the Village Elliott

When Musial died, I really couldn’t name your
Oldest surviving Baseball Hall of Famer;
Learned at 97, Red Sox Bobby Doerr
Is oldest, while three others 90 or more:
There’s Albert “Red” Schoendienst who is 92,
Now Yogi, who last month just turned 90, too.
Still, third one is older; his powerful swing
Helped Giants of Gotham earn World Series ring.
Respect of the Franchise is still evident;
Invited by new champs to meet president.
Like year-older Red Sox, a star before War,
In the Negro, not Major Leagues (white like Doerr),
The player Branch Rickey first wanted to sign.
Branch wouldn’t compensate team, so Jackie broke line.
In two years he breaks Giants’ pale color scheme.
In two more, breaks Brooklyn hearts, bums Jackie’s team,
Big part of the Miracle of Coogan’s Bluff.
Mentored team’s prodigy: He taught me Right Stuff.
I was Negro League vet, but Majors raw rook,
He helped me to adjust, showed me what it took;
Was like my big brother, still is to this day,
A true Hall of Famer, says Mister “Say Hey.”
First Big League black exec, broke that color line.
Soon enters through “front door” of Cooperstown shrine,
Mid-80s, retires, stays active in game;
Jints retire number, still honor his name;
For long life in baseball, few more deservin’
Than young 96-year-old Monte Irvin.
(Adds Willie: First glove in the Big Leagues I score,
A MacGregor endorsed by Red Sox Bobby Doerr.)


The Woeful AL East

by Stephen Jones

Tampa Bay and the Yankees–
They’re running neck-and-neck.
Each team a game over .500 . . .
And fighting for first place?

Mind you, those also-rans–
The Red Sox, Orioles, Blue Jays–
Aren’t so far behind. But, hey,
What’s happened to the AL East?

Dunno. Let’s hang up a sign–
For Sale: 1 Over-Hyped Division.
Over-Priced Team–Your Choice.
Get it now–Cheap!


A Tale of Two Less-Than-Hot Corners

by the Village Elliott

The Panda, signed with Red Sox Nation,
For playoff’s payoff expectation.
Switch hits: left ain’t mighty,
But no hits as righty,
Has yet to be on-field sensation.

Giants trade for third baseman McGehee,
To succeed Panda, but he hurt his knee.
Mighty Casey lacks clout,
Better Casey strikes out
Than kill rallies with GIDP.