Boston Acoustics

by Michael X. Ferraro

Bumper to bumper on the way home,
October baseball on the AM waves.
The guys in the booth are nattering
and then one allows, “Hee-ere’s the pitch.”
In the pregnant pause, a log is split
on my radio, a violent snap
of sound, like the dude from Green Day
just pulverized his snare. Or maybe
one of those “Where The Wild Things” saw red
and razed a roof. Either way, that pure
noise story-tells better than Scully.
Detroit’s sigh is broadcast nation-wide.
We are no longer wedged in traffic,
because bat met ball met microphone
and Marconi trots with Napoli.


Don’t Be Skeered, It’s Just a Beard

by James Finn Garner

Gimli and his dwarvish brethren
Ol’ ZZ Top of Texas
Moonshiners of cliche southren
Moses (see Leviticus)
The Smith Brothers of lozenge fame
Grant and Lee and Whitman–
Beards may rouse players in the game
But I wouldn’t want to sniff one.


What a Game!

by Millie Bovich

Oh, wear ye beards and Sox of red
And caps with B’s upon your head,

And swing ye bats with balls below
And on the bases never go.

The stripe-ed Tigers are in town
Pitchin’, itchin’ for the crown.

And yonder looms another game
And to the winner goes the fame!


This was received on Sunday afternoon, before Game 2 between the erstwhile Beaneaters and Wolverines. We post it now to remind us all of the evanescent nature of success in the great game, indeed, of life itself.

From a Central Division Fan Who Hadn’t Been Paying Much Attention

by James Finn Garner

What th’ — BOSTON won the East?
Soaring up to best from least?
The experts’ toe tags read “Deceased”
But New York’s competitiveness ceased,
Baltimore’s upward path was greased.
Bet big on the Jays? You’re fleeced.
Of seafood the Carmines made a feast,
Muzzling that Tampa beast.
My faith is shaken — oh, call a priest!
I can’t believe they won the East!


Next Time, Just Throw the Book at Him

by Hilary Barta

Ryan Dempster, at A-Rod, took aim
To indent the Yank player, or maim?
The low blow had a cost
For the thrower had lost,
Through contempt or through anger, the game.


Your required daily reading should include Hilary’s monster and noir limerick site, LimerWrecks.  Go now. Go, I said.