by Stephen Jones
I am no fan of A-Rod. Truth be told:
His off-field antics have left us all cold,
His acts spoiling a national pastime.
But I’d also be less than honest not to chime:
When he was plugged by Ryan Dempster,
That lone-wolf act galvanized Yankee roster.
Girardi fuming, ejected for fairly defending
His player against intentional hunting.
Then Bean Town saw Yankee bats explode
And, sweet irony itself, A-Rod unload
A deep center-field home run off Dempster –
Who by now should have been a “repent-ster.”
The bottom line? MLB issued suspension
For Dempster’s unwarranted action:
5 meaningless games, late in the season.
Locking the barn door after horses are gone –
the Red Sox’s rotation remains unbroken.