Idle Comment

by Stephen Jones

There’s no reason to argue
or to spew

The American League East
is the best


Boston?  New York?  Tampa?
Baltimore too?

(And Toronto in the mix as well?)

But to shift gears
and memory/years:

Despite all the hiccups
the HGHs and PEDs

baseball the purity of it
continues to confound/explain

why a summer day or in rain
ball-to-bat glove-and-ball

fascinates us all

Stephen Jones is a contract writer/editor with a firm in New York City.


Maybe I Am The Phantom of Baseball

The Found Poetry in the Tweets of Jose Canseco

by Patrick Dubuque

Maybe I am the phantom of baseball

I will do anything for one more at bat
I know I can still hit MLB pitching
I can still hit a golf ball 380 yards
I have the hips of a 20 year old
I can
I have

I have a medical condition:
I love the game so much
Even in exhibition

Invite me for an old timers game
I will play

Anything for a look

Still dreaming of that one last
Trip of imagination
Back to the big leagues

I miss everything where did it go

Patrick Dubuque blogs regularly for Pitchers & Poets, where this first appeared.

The Roger Clemens Trial, So Far

by Stephen Jones

5 weeks & 3 dismissed jurors later

(jurors having fallen asleep
during counsel’s endless
seemingly pointless examination
& then by law let go)

this trial has exceeded boredom
is now treading in dysfunctional limbo
& has left a bitter taste:

day-by-day less truth is being
observed/served & one could wish
somebody would call off the whole
thing on account “of legal rain”


Roger Clemens

by Stephen Jones

Permissible or not
There seems to be a drought
Of honesty afoot

Pitching maybe-perjury
Clemens seems for once
To be outta his league

His domineering stance
On the mound not found
Now drugs/performance

An arguance
More finger pointing it seems
As ugly truths are exhumed

A Pair of Odes to Chris Davis


Taking Higher Ground

by Michael X. Ferraro

Chris Davis’s 0-fer-8 night ended in bliss.
Five times did the DH swing-swing-swing and miss.
So, post-platinum sombrero, why the big grin?
‘Cause he tossed two scoreless and picked up the win.


The Ballad of Chris Davis

by Stu Shea

How does a player go 0-for-8
And still win himself the game ball?
Move from DH to the pitching mound
And make major-league hitters look small.