Poem for October

by Hart Seely


Teixiera is a god to me,
He needs to be the MVP.
But if he wins no Series ring,
He won’t have won a goddamm thing.

This could be Jeter’s finest year,
Best season in his great career.
But if he gains no Series ring,
It will not mean a goddamm thing.

I still recall Scott Brosius’ clout,
To save us from our final out.
But we then took no Series ring.
It did not mean a goddamm thing.

We’ve shut down Papi, J.D. Drew,
Defeated Lester, Beckett, too,
But if there is no Series ring,
Those wins weren’t worth a goddamm thing.

So hear now, loudly, autumn’s call,
Which beckons to us, every fall:


Posted 9/3/2009

Hart Seely is the author of  Mother Goose Goes to Washington, as well as Oh Holy Cow: The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto, newly released in a 15th-anniversary edition. He often hangs around the Yankee website, It is High, It is Far, It is….caught, offering tasteful and constructive comments to management and players alike.


by January O’Neil


I came to the party late,
long after Babe was sold to the Yanks
past the magic of Ted Williams and Yaz
and Buckner’s ball through the legs.
Didn’t understand The Curse
but the years without a championship
added up like runners on base
and no one to bring them home.
Generations of Red Sox fans
passed away without a World Series win.
The velocity of our hatred
was unmatched, and we liked it that way.
In 2003, we were Dirt Dogs.
A tribe. A nation. Even the anticipation
of spring training became a torture so real
it bordered on beautiful,
how beauty is supposed to reach us,
with a temporary luster,
with nothing to show for it
but our longing.
If you’re a member of this Nation
you’re full of hunger and angst,
there’s nothing you can do
to ease the silence. Win
or go home is the only option.
We watch no matter what,
learning to live with loss,
that soft hurt that never goes away.


Posted 8/19/2009


by Carol S. McDade

Dustin, Youk, Lester
Proven, tested, young – locked up
Glory years in store


Posted 6/17/2009

Manny Ramirez: When News Isn’t News

by James Finn Garner


Erstwhile Dodger savior Manny:
Did we doubt it’d come out like this?
If a story leaked you were a tranny,
The world would maybe feel amiss.

Our revulsion might yet arise
If cameras caught you fondling grannies,
But frankly it’s no big surprise
That juicing’s Manny being Manny.


Posted 5/11/09


By Stuart Shea

Last year’s fish is cooked.
Singing songs of spring, the team
Trawls for the title.

Dust is in the air.
Dustin is in the infield.
Just get me a cloth.

$300 trillion
And they say they can’t afford
A spare infielder?

Rock and hard place—both
Tough to climb when you work with
Canada dollars.

When does that new show,
“Waiting for Weiters” come on?
Not quickly enough.

Posted 3/30/09.