Re-Shuffle After the ALCS

by Stephen Jones

Pinstripes not back?

Some would gloat
(I won’t argue or disagree)

(Girardi’s mystery-management
Of over-paid players not his fault
Management its money awkward
A mad hatter no one asked for)

Texas deserved & closed the deal
The Yankees are too old for now

& should think “tomorrow “

What a Difference a Day Makes

by David Bellel

What a difference a day made
Less than twenty-four little hours
Brought the gloom and the showers
Where there used to be joy

My yesterday was true, dear
Today I’m feeling so blue, dear
My happy nights are through, dear
Since we went with Phil Hughes

What a difference a day makes
There’s a rainbow behind  me
Skies above can’t be sunny
Since those pitches went amiss, boy am I pissed!

It’s hell when you find no chance on your menu
What a difference a day made
And the difference is Hughes

What a difference a day makes
There’s a rainbow behind  me
Skies above can’t be sunny
Since those pitches went amiss, boy am I pissed!

It’s hell when you find no chance on your menu
What a difference a day made
And the difference is Hughes
Is Hughes

For more of David’s Yankee obsessions, check out his blog, Pseudo-Intellectualism.

Ye Olde Gaem One Yankeaen Verse

by Hart Seely

Before thy vic’try p’rades begin,
With Sterling’d tongue and Suzyn’d spin,
Be gone, olde curd! Ye shalt not sin!
One gaem doth not thy playoffs win!

Let no grand pride swell deep within
Thy supple breast, thy pinstripe’d skin,
Let nay among ye boast to Twin!
One gaem doth not thy playoffs win!

Do not thy winner’s hanky wave,
Scout not the Philly, G’int or Brave.
These brutish Twins we’ve yet to stave.
One gaem doth not Octobre save!

This poem was pilfered from Hart’s Yankee blog, It is High, It is Far, It is …. Caught.

Three Managerial Haiku

by Gary Gillette and Stuart Shea

Sweet “like acid rain”
Lou erupts no more. Old Guard
Retreats from dugout.

Bobby “WTF?”
Cox pissing and moaning fades
Into Georgia dusk.

The Saga of Joe Torre:

Sucked in St. Lou and
Shea. Then, in fall, to the Bronx,
And now he’s a champ??

To Those Who Think The Yankees Are Overpaid

by Stephen Jones

Counting: 15 out of 16 years past
to Yankee playoff possibility:

Pirates?  Padres?  The Indians, e.g.?
(the list of small- & medium-market
teams is as long as owners’ ledgers)
a dis-service to their fans:

So don’t argue:

That your team owners may be committed
to money to profit not to bases counted
or games won: to profit sharing:
& so much for quality & parity

Some teams are designed to contend
others merely to make money