Oakland A’s: The Bedtime Prayer

by Hart Seely

O, God, thy glories doth amaze,
Thy sunlight fills our autumn days,
We gain upon Thy Tampa Rays,
We thank Thee for thine Oakland A’s.

They represent Thy kingly ways,
And smite the ball to double plays,
More holy than Toronto Jays,
God speed thy team… O, Oakland A’s!

And so, to Thee, we offer praise,
For harvesting these wondrous lays,
No Variteks, no Jason Bays,
Return again… O, Oakland A’s.

Hart Seely runs the indispensable Yankee blog, It is High, It is Far, It is … Caught.

Posted 9/6/10

Something Short of Grandish

by Hart Seely

All-star person.
Standup guy.
Ask for effort,
He shall try.
Fine on defense,
Solid mitt.
Can’t hit lefties.
Not one whit.

Sterling fellow.
Never slacks.
Teammate pals,
He’s got their backs.
Plays the outfield,
With aplomb.
Can’t hit lefties.
What a bum.

Lance Says a Little A-Rod Prayer

by David Bellel

The moment you shoot up,
Before you put on your makeup,
I say a little prayer for you.

While Cameron combs your hair, now,
And wondering what bling to wear, now,
I say a little prayer for you.

Forever, forever,
You’ll stay at 599
And I will hate you
Forever, forever,
We’ll watch your decline,
Oh, how I’ll hate you
Together, together,
That’s how it must be
We’re stuck for seven more years with you,
Truly a Yankee tragedy for we.

You can find more of David’s Yankee screeds at his blog, Pseudo-Intellectualism.

Home Run History

by Stephen Jones

Why the media?  Why the hype?
Numbers & history already corrupted

The bat the number the coverage
All empty right now

(A story within a story)

And Rodriguez waits for his eclipse
Quietly as he should be

More interested in Yankee wins
More important now and ahead

Swinging into September/October


by Stephen Jones


historically despite sun
& fun of fans there was
Steinbrenner Sheppard Houk

everything pitched maybe
not pitch-perfect
but a bridging arcing

remember the summer
kiss the autumn
& when October comes

see The Yankees rise