Carl Crawford: The Poem

by Hart Seely

Carl Crawford, Tampa Ray,
Hit for power, raised the bar,
Stole the bases, then one day,
Took a lead one step too far.

Carl Crawford, playing hard,
His whole career, one great move up,
Flashing leather! Going yard!
And never tethered by a cup.

Carl Crawford,Tampa’s prince,
Three time all-star, no one’s fool.
Made this planet watch and wince.
A man with nuts, ground into gruel.

Carl Crawford, baseball great,
Stealing bases, climbing walls!
But when he steps up to the plate,
Here is the count: One strike, no balls.

Hart Seely runs the Yankee blog, It is High, It is Far, It is….Caught, and never fails to laugh at a good nad shot.

Posted 7/25/10

Chamberlain, That’s He

by David Bellel


Who is the man whose bad tosses will bring a loss?
Chamberlain, that’s he!
Who will surely fold when your team needs a hold?
Chamberlain, that’s he!

For he isn’t as proud of his name you see,
As a Sparky, Goose, or a Mo could be.

Who is the man that blows a lead every time he can?
Chamberlain, that’s he!

C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N spells Chamberlain
Proud of all the Indian blood that’s in he;
Many a man can say a word agin he.
C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N, you see,
Is a name that shame is usually been connected with,
Chamberlain, that’s he!

C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N spells Chamberlain
Proud of all the Indian blood that’s in he;
Many a man can say a word agin he.
C-H-AMBER-L-A-I-N, you see,
Is a name that shame is usually been connected with,
Chamberlain, that’s he!


The sharp-eyed might recognize Harrigan here as one of the cast members of “The Wizard of OZ”.

David posts his thoughts on the Yankees and urban education at his blog Pseudo-Intellectualism.

Posted 7/16/2010

We’ll Miss You, George

By Stuart Shea
Now that George is dead,
Who’ll say the things that need not be said?
Now that George is gone,
Who will carry on and carry on and carry on?
Now that George has passed,
Who’ll deliver a ridiculous blast?
Now that George is history,
Who’s left to make the Yankees a travesty?


Posted 7/15/2010

A Treatise on Baseball Names

By Bob Sheppard (1910-2010), longtime Yankees PA announcer


There are certain names that go over well,
Like Pena, Ramos, Carrasquel,
With liquid sounds so panoramic.
And strangely, they all are Hispanic.
Aurelio, Hipolito, Cecilio, Domingo
Have a lovelier sound than American lingo.
What native name could I ever tell so
Musically, as Valdivielso?
And no native name could ever show us
The splendor of Salome Barojas.

Posted in memory 7/11/10

Mark Teixiera and the Three-Ring Sign

by David Bellel

Who struck out five times today?
Teixiera did it, bringing us tears.
Who batted like he was a clown?
Teixiera did it, bringing no cheers.

For a player that depresses you,
Here’s the only thing to do,
Just look for the three-ring sign
And ask the man for Ballantine!
For more Yankee creativity, check out David blog, Pseudo-Intellectualism.
And remember, the laws of your community are enforced for your protection. Obey them.
Posted 7/5/10