Manny Ramirez: When News Isn’t News

by James Finn Garner


Erstwhile Dodger savior Manny:
Did we doubt it’d come out like this?
If a story leaked you were a tranny,
The world would maybe feel amiss.

Our revulsion might yet arise
If cameras caught you fondling grannies,
But frankly it’s no big surprise
That juicing’s Manny being Manny.


Posted 5/11/09

By The Book

by Sid Yiddish


Lies that he told,
When he was 18 years old or perhaps it was 17.

“I’d say that was accurate,” Alex Rodriguez told ESPN, when admitting he took steroids.

“No, I didn’t take steroids,” Alex Rodriguez told CBS.

So which answer is it, yes or no?
Is it one or the other, which one can it be?

Say it ain’t so, amigo!

Yet, the Alex Rodriguez version of the word accurate, doesn’t quite feel the same, when it comes to taking the real blame.

Do you think it will really overtly affect his game?

Why not ask his best girl, Madonna
The musical barometer of misconstrued fame, she knows through the public eye, that telling lies doesn’t matter, just as long as the fans don’t notice the old switcheroo, while his handlers silently whitewash the bad in favor of accurately keeping what’s left of his good name.


For more on Sid Yiddish’s poetry, music and performances, check out his My Space page.

Posted 5/8/09

Yankee Haiku

by Larry Epke


I thought I’d seen all
‘Til I heard the words, “Pitching
For New York – Swisher!”


Posted 4/29/09

Anthony Claggett

by Hart Seely


Anthony Claggett,
Your fastball, they flag it.
It floats like a maggot,
They wait there and tag it.
Throw harder, or bag it.
Anthony Claggett.

Anthony Claggett,
We’ll rip you in agate,
Your body, we’ll drag it.
Meet quim, you best shag it.
Or, otherwise, bag it.
Anthony Claggett.


Hart Seely is the author of  Mother Goose Goes to Washington, as well as Oh Holy Cow: The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto, newly released in a 15th-anniversary edition. He often hangs around the Yankee website, It is High, It is Far, It is….caught, offering tasteful and constructive comments to management and players alike.

Posted 4/21/09.

Yankee Stadium Exhibition Opener

by Ember Nickel


Precariously perched between the spring
Of simple fantasies and the real thing
Becoming more peerless with every day–
Can I criticize an excuse to play?

I watched it on the computer, full-screen.
The scoreboards I’ve  seen look much like this. Bright
Garish ads with limitless width and height.
The game filled the screen, and usually worked.
But sometimes it jerked and blurred, like it had
Been magnified too far, like that was bad.
Four-four in the fourth inning. Fours could not
Be wild, I’d thought. Too big for the game
They might repeat–but it is not the same.


A former contributor to Baseball Toaster, Ember’s blog is Lipogram! Scorecard!, where this poem first appeared.

Posted 4/13/09.