Robbie Cano

by Hart Seely

Robbie Cano,
He’s very rich.
Robbie Cano,
Won’t take a pitch.

Robbie Cano,
Both night and day,
Robbie Cano,
Just swings away.

Robbie Cano,
In spring and fall,
Robbie Cano,
Won’t take a ball.

Robbie Cano,
Makes too much dough,
Robbie Cano,
He’s gotta go.


Hart Seely is the author of  Mother Goose Goes to Washington, as well as Oh Holy Cow: The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto, newly released in a 15th-anniversary edition. He often hangs around the Yankee website, It is High, It is Far, It is….caught, offering tasteful and constructive comments to management and players alike.

Posted 4/8/09


By Stuart Shea

Last year’s fish is cooked.
Singing songs of spring, the team
Trawls for the title.

Dust is in the air.
Dustin is in the infield.
Just get me a cloth.

$300 trillion
And they say they can’t afford
A spare infielder?

Rock and hard place—both
Tough to climb when you work with
Canada dollars.

When does that new show,
“Waiting for Weiters” come on?
Not quickly enough.

Posted 3/30/09.

The Suspension of ’08: Games 5A and 5B

by Todd Herges

The game was huge, as all involved know well.
It started with pomp, tradition and a pitch,
Then rain began, in sheets grew to a swell.

The field got wet, began to go to hell.
Tarp and sand were tried, but mattered not which.
The game was huge, as all involved know well.

A crew of groundsmen have a tale to tell.
If not for them would be no final catch.
The rain kept up, in sheets grew to a swell.

Lighting the swamp, a giant neon bell.
All prayed for sun lest park become a ditch.
The game was huge, as all involved know well.

The man on top, Commish, he made the call.
(This being-in-charge can really be a bitch.)
The rain did end, and Phils could victory smell.

Each Ray’s iPod echoed the same dark knell.
If but could face a Williams, maybe Mitch!
The game was huge, as all involved know well.
The rain asterisked rules, grew to a swell.

Posted 11/6/08

Hey, You! Abreu!

by Hart Seely

Hey, you! Abreu!
Catch that ball.
Have you ever in your life
Gone near a wall?

Yeah, you! Abreu!
With too many pop flies.
Hitting third for the Yanks,
With far too few RBIs.

Hey you! Abreu!
Spring, summer, fall.
Sorry, dude; we liked you,
We’ve just hit the wall.

Hart Seely is the author of the hilarious Mother Goose Goes to Washington, as well as Oh Holy Cow: The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto, newly released in a 15th-anniversary edition. He often hangs around the Yankee website, It is High, It is Far, It is….caught, offering tasteful and constructive comments to management and players alike.

Posted 10/12/08