Tampa Bay Limerick

by Bob Ausbourne

My heart has beat as a D-Ray
Since th’ first pitch of th’ initial day.

It’s so hard to cope,
But there always is hope–

It springs eternal, they say!

Tampa Bay Devil Names

by Stu Shea

What’s in a Name?


Elijah Dukes will use his fists,

Delmon Young has room to grow.

James Shields gives protection to his team.



Jorge Cantu just can’t play,

And Jae Ryu’s goose is Kuked,

While Carlos’ twinge of Pena makes him scream.



But nothing Maddons a manager more

Than giving up a five-run lead,

Burning a bullpen

That sucks indeed.



Posted after the Rays gave up six runs in the bottom of the ninth to lose to the Blue Jays, 12-11, on June 5.