Baseball Before the Apocalypse

by Leah Mueller

Cluster of bodies, soap
bubbles at a Cubs game:
1983, our bicycles shackled
to poles outside, entwined in

a metal snare. To saw through
tempered steel would
give thieves the pick of several.

We smuggled imported
beer in white bottles, eight
bucks a pack, and salads
in sturdy plastic containers
from the Bread Shop.

Bleacher seats three dollars,
nicknamed the “Animal Section.”
No one at the entry gate
ever checked for weapons.

We were good to go, unless
bottles protruded from the
sides of our backpacks,

or we spilled marijuana
on the sidewalk by mistake
as we entered Wrigley Field.
A friend once said,

“If you were one of the lucky
people who got to change
the scoreboard by hand, you’d
be so fucking cool by default.”

We drank beer, passed
joints, ate salads, and
when the game was over,

we took our trash home
and disposed of it properly.
We were good citizens.

No one patted our thighs,
thrust their hands up our shirts,
groped under the waistbands of
our shorts, searching for explosives.
No one checked our health records

for evidence of compliance.
It was just a goddamned Cubs game,
a few 23-year-old kids,

and a summer that would end
like all the others after.


Leah Mueller is the author of ten prose and poetry books. Her new book, The Destruction of Angels (Anxiety Press) was published in October 2022. She is a 2023 nominee for both Pushcart and Best of the Net. Her flash piece, “Land of Eternal Thirst” appears in the 2022 edition of Sonder Press’ “Best Small Fictions” anthology. 

Old-School Reps

by James Finn Garner

I don’t think the new analytics
Would’ve helped Norm Cash worth a lick
For Killebrew, Mantle,
F. Robby and Randle,
A beer and a cig did the trick.

Going Out on Topps

by Greg Simetz

Baseball without Topps
is a hotdog without mustard:
it can be done but why bother?
Better stick with the custard.

Bubblegum was a bonus
with the stats and the dishing
like how they spent the offseason
hunting and fishing.

But Topps could be cruel
as you opened a pack warily,
praying for Hank Aaron
and getting Marv Throneberry.


MLB Rule Changes

by Stephen Jones

First-ever pitch clock,
Elimination of the shift,
Pickoffs and “disengagement”
From the rubber
By the pitcher on the mound —
To name but a few of the new rules.

Sure I get it, MLB
Wants to attract new faces
And they figured it’s about time
To speed up the game …

But I still have trouble with the new bases.
They’re now the size of pizza boxes,
And I’m waiting for the moment,
That moment during a game,
When a hungry player on base
Tries to lift the lid.


MLB All-Elf Team

1B  Mint Jones
2B  Candy Jim Taylor
SS  Ed Holly
3B  Peppermint Martin

LF  Elf Garr
CF  Holly Hollingshead
RF  Candy Maldonado

C   Ginger Shinault

LHP  Happy Foreman, John Smiley
RHP  Jingle Johnson, Julian Merryweather, Pasqual Coco

MGR   Sparkly Anderson