1B Matt Skole
2B Neal Finn
SS Swede Carlstrom
3B Swede Risberg
LF Dave “Ingmar” Bergman
CF Lefty Herring
RF Dane Iorg
C Carlton Lutefisk
RHP Ole Olsen, Ted Nourse
LHP Whitey Fjord
MGR. Jeff Thorborg
1B Matt Skole
2B Neal Finn
SS Swede Carlstrom
3B Swede Risberg
LF Dave “Ingmar” Bergman
CF Lefty Herring
RF Dane Iorg
C Carlton Lutefisk
RHP Ole Olsen, Ted Nourse
LHP Whitey Fjord
MGR. Jeff Thorborg
Knock me out at the ball game,
Knock me out, get me plowed.
Ply me with vino and crack, or smack,
I don’t care if it all goes to black.
Let me sleep, sleep, sleep off this bad dream,
My team is owned by some schmucks.
For it’s one, two, three tokes, I’m out,
‘Cause Joe Ricketts sucks.
The Cubs and Cardinals will face off abroad
In London Town, a move we can applaud
I’ll take Wembley over Busch any day
Kris Bryant’s pleased, I bet he had a say
Out with Budweiser, bring the Newkie Ale!
The Arch? Who cares, we’ll see the royal gaol!
Milwaukee’s known for quenching thirst
And bellies full of brats and wurst
But served in Chi
Is humble pie:
The Cubs have taken over first.
Hilary Barta is a comic book artist and limerickian extraordinaire. Visit his site LimerWrecks for daily takes on monster movies and pop culture.
Will many a tomato
(Or do you say to-mah-to)
Be tossed at non-hustling
Manny Machado?
Not that he will care
About causin’ such ranklin’
He can wipe off the stains
With Benjamin Franklins
Or is S.D. so chill
That they”ll accept slack
As long as home runs
He steadily jacks?