The Crack of the Bat

by Dick Roraback

Away on this side of the ocean
When the chestnuts are hinting of green
And the first of the café commandos
Are moving outside for a fine
And the sound of spring beats a bolero
As Paree sheds her coat and her hat
The sound that is missed more than any
Is the sound of the crack of a bat.

There’s an animal kind of a feeling
There’s a stirring down at Vincennes Zoo
And the kid down the hall’s getting restless
Taking stairs like a young kangaroo
Now the dandy is walking his poodle
And the concierge sunning her cat
But the heart’s with the Cubs and the Tigers
And the sound of the crack of a bat.

In the park on the corner run schoolboys
With a couple of cartons for props
Kicking goals à la Fontaine or Kopa
While a little guy chickies for cops
“Goal for us,” “No it’s not,” “You’re a liar,”
Then the classical shrieks of a spat
But it’s not like a rhubarb at home plate
Or the sound of the crack of a bat.

Here the stadia thrill to the scrumdowns
And the soccer fans flock to the games
And the chic punt the nags out at Longchamp
Where the women are dames and not dames
But it’s different at Forbes and at Griffith
The homes of the Buc and the Nat
Where the hotdog and peanut share laurels
With the sound of the crack of a bat.

No, a Yank can’t describe to a Frenchman
The rasp of an umpire’s call
The continuing charms of statistics
Changing hist’ry with each strike and ball
Nor the self-conscious jog of the slugger
Rounding third with the tip of his hat
Nor the half-smothered grace of a hook slide
Nor the sound of the crack of a bat.

Now the golfer is buffing his niblick
And the tennis buff’s tightening his strings
And the fisherman’s flexing his flyrod
Like a thousand and one other springs
Oh, the sports on both sides of the ocean
Have a great deal in common, at that
But the thing that’s not here
At this time of the year
Is the sound of the crack of a bat.


Journalist Dick Roraback was based in Paris as the sports editor of the International Herald Tribune from 1957 to 1972. That publication reprints this poem every year around Opening Day. Thanks to Terry Cannon of the Baseball Reliquary for sending it to us.


You Drive Through It to Get to St. Louis

by James Finn Garner

In Chicago it’s Crosstown Classic time!
A weekend to fumble for a rhyme
For rebuild, for potential,
For prospects and run differential;
To remember Grace, Sweet Lou and Buerhle,
To have an excuse to start drinking early,
To recall when Barrett and AJ flashed fists,
And for the North Side to see the South Side exists.



by Stephen Jones

Fly ball to the seats
Cold beer in hand, he snares it
Cap good as a glove


Big Bats to Big Ben?

by Stephen Jones

Pinstripes and Red Sox may take a swing
across “The Pond” in 2019.
Is it revolutionary invasion
or an MLB expansion?

Already tabloids do opine
the differences that are between
the colonies’ 7th inning stretch
and London’s tea time.


MLB All-Thanksgiving Team

by Jim Siergey, Hilary Barta and James Finn Garner

1B Stuffy McInnis
2B Damian Rolls
SS Joe Bean
3B Spud Johnson

OF Lawrence Plenty
OF Turkey Stearnes
OF Cranbarry Bonds

C    Yam Yaryan

RHP Paul Stuffel, Tom Butters
LHP Bob Sprout, Beany Jacobson

Mgr. Pie Traynor