MLB All-Sweettooth Team

by James Finn Garner

1B  Sean Berry
2B  Cookie Rojas
SS  Cookie Lavagetto
3B  Pie Traynor
LF  Candy Maldonado
CF  Coco Crisp
RF  Taffy Wright
C   Rick Sweet
LHP  Brownie Foreman, Ed Wineapple
RHP  Twink Twining, Bob Lemon
MGR  Yogi Berry


MLB All-Libations Team

By James Finn Garner

1B  Juice Latham
2B  George Creamer
SS  Jack Coffey
3B  Bobby Wine
LF  Gene Rye
CF  Brandy Davis
RF  Suds Sutherland
C   Punch Knoll
LHP  Vinegar Bend Mizell
RHP  Mark Lemongello, Clarence Beers
Closer Oil Can Boyd
MGR  Norm Sherry


Baseball Off the Field

by Stephen Jones

Sometimes the game’s best catch
Is the one that’s in the stands–

Not the web gem “Wow!” we see
Highlighted on sports TV.

It’s maybe a juggle of beer and . . . snatch,
Making the grab bare hand.


Dopes Spring Eternal

by Hilary Barta

Oh, the friendly confinement is great
Hot dog vendors, the vines — both first rate
But the sport has a history,
And support is a mystery
When the end of the line is, “Just wait.”