Home Run History

by Stephen Jones

Why the media?  Why the hype?
Numbers & history already corrupted

The bat the number the coverage
All empty right now

(A story within a story)

And Rodriguez waits for his eclipse
Quietly as he should be

More interested in Yankee wins
More important now and ahead

Swinging into September/October


by Anonymous

He waited
In the whiteness of the afternoon sun;
Black man on green ground.
He waited
In the silence of the tongue
Black man on green ground.
He waited
In the path of his words
White broke his bones;
Black man on green ground.
He waited
As few men have ever
And endured
Before a multitude
as no man before,

To have conquered the white sun,
To have sailed the sun and ridden
its joy
in tears
in laughter.

To have ridden the white sun,
And to be
by the rising

Your crown was white;
…and waited.

Found on the Baseball Almanac site.

Posted 7/31/10


by Stephen Jones


historically despite sun
& fun of fans there was
Steinbrenner Sheppard Houk

everything pitched maybe
not pitch-perfect
but a bridging arcing

remember the summer
kiss the autumn
& when October comes

see The Yankees rise

We’ll Miss You, George

By Stuart Shea
Now that George is dead,
Who’ll say the things that need not be said?
Now that George is gone,
Who will carry on and carry on and carry on?
Now that George has passed,
Who’ll deliver a ridiculous blast?
Now that George is history,
Who’s left to make the Yankees a travesty?


Posted 7/15/2010

Mets Fans’ Sad Lexicon

by Ron Kaplan

With apologies to Franklin Pierce Adams on the 100th anniversary of his original poem

These are the saddest words Mets fans could hear:
Ollie (Martinez) Perez.
Walking the enemy year after year:
Ollie (Martinez) Perez.
Taking his time as he misses his pitches,
Giving up homers to those sons of bitches,
All during which we don’t know where his brain is:
Ollie (Martinez) Perez.
Ron Kaplan is the features and sports editor of a New Jersey newspaper, and also runs Ron Kaplan’s Baseball Bookshelf, which is a must-read.

Posted 7/12/10