A Treatise on Baseball Names

By Bob Sheppard (1910-2010), longtime Yankees PA announcer


There are certain names that go over well,
Like Pena, Ramos, Carrasquel,
With liquid sounds so panoramic.
And strangely, they all are Hispanic.
Aurelio, Hipolito, Cecilio, Domingo
Have a lovelier sound than American lingo.
What native name could I ever tell so
Musically, as Valdivielso?
And no native name could ever show us
The splendor of Salome Barojas.

Posted in memory 7/11/10

Not Selling Out, Buying In!

By Joe Moag

In the wake of Blackhawks glory
Here in June’s endemic swoon
The heart craves a better story
One where Cubs will shoot the moon!

But the standings tell no lies
And October fades from view
When hitters swat like flies
It’s time to seek a sport brand new

See, October was the goal
With World Series dreams at ready.
But now Niemi fills that role!
And I dream of June confetti!

Posted 7/1/10

With Love and Ancient Cautions: From a Wood Fan to a Strasburg Fan

By Joe Moag

Unto He!

Unto He, the new rookie,
He with an arm fit to hoist Zeus’ bolt,
Fit to slay our past; fit to redeem our degradations.

Unto He, our welcomed savior!
A reprieve from years of ill, from years of doubt,
From years of lowness.

Unto He, the Lifter!
Unto He, the Changer!
Unto He, the Future!

Unto He, Alleviator of this state
Of prolonged exile, of overdue vengeance,
Of our just and righteous payback!

Unto He we place this proof
That our faith, traveled across orphanage and dismissal,
Our Faith, that thing
Which steeled our resolve
To simply stay in the game long enough,

Has borne fruit! It has brought
Him, here, to Us.

No light as bright as this has ever shone, only to
Fall away in wreckage through the dimming of life’s cold onslaughts and hurly-burl!
Immortals don’t flinch, or suffer, or miss their mark – they shine!
Our wait itself is the toil and testament to the surety of this!

This Game and its Gods, who sit high and low,
Sworn sacred to the mischief in their souls
Could never be jealous enough
To make this foreseen future, this deserved fate,
Fall short.

Posted 6/27/10

27 Fish

By Stuart Shea

27 fish came up,
27 fish went down.

Baiting his hook with sinkers
Sliders, heat, and curves,
Halladay set down every fish
And he betrayed no nerves.

27 fish came up,
27 fish went down.

Snaring every one
And tossing them in his boat,
Halladay did a good day’s work
And earned a right to gloat.

27 fish came up,
27 fish went down.

Hunter, Koufax, Robertson,
Bunning, Wells, Buehrle,
Halladay is now in
Interesting company.

27 fish came up.
27 fish went down.
Posted 6/8/2010

Double Armando Haiku

By Joe Moag

Uproar in the press!
Lupica wants Selig to
Bend time…space…honor.

Override ump’s call?
This summer’s game ain’t perfect.
Not one for the books.

Posted 6/6/10