Classic Falls

by Rajesh C. Oza

The Cubs of 1969:
A season with Hall of Famers,
But an ending not at all divine.

The Indians of 2005:
Chicago’s Pale Hose swept them
Like a beekeeper a beehive.

The Red Sox of 1978:
Bucky Bleepin’ Dent
Kept them from playoff’s gate.

The Blue Jays of 1987:
Many Canadians still mourn
Missing out on baseball’s heaven.

The Phillies of 1964:
“The Phold” phirmly closed
Access to the Fall Classic’s door.

Dr. Oza is a management consultant and facilitates the interpersonal dynamics of MBAs at Stanford University. His novel, Double Play, will be published in 2024 by Chicago’s Third World Press.

‘23 is the New ‘69

by Greg Simetz

A Billy goat, black cat, and Bartman with headphones–
Just a few novel ways which Cubs’ seasons have been blown.
Add the Babe’s called shot to the centerfield stands
And a Gatorade glove on Leon Durham’s right hand.

Then in 2016 Cubs’ curses got squished,
108 years of agony all mercifully vanquished.
But curses! A new scourge unleashed in late ‘23
Thwarted hot pursuit of wild-card playoff glory.

Blown saves and gaffes and bats that went dry,
Then Seiya Suzuki misjudged a routine high fly.
(One solution to the team’s most recent imbroglio:
Trade Suzuki to the Cards for pitcher Ernie Broglio.)

So another year ends with a historic choke job,
A lousy ‘69 rerun, where again fans got robbed.
The looney toons finish was just one more sad joke.
What else can be said but, “Th-th-th-th-that’s all folks!”

Even Sadder

by Mikhail Horowitz

These are the saddest of possible words:
Steinfeldt to Evers to Chance.
Trio of bear cubs fleeter than birds,
Steinfeldt to Evers to Chance.

One of them nearly completely forgotten,
Simply because of a name that was not in
Accordance with metrical elegance — rotten!
Steinfeldt to Evers to Chance.

Mikhail Horowitz is an American poet, performance poet, parodist, satirist, social commentator, author and editor. He lives in the Hudson River valley.


The Invisible Visibles

By Rajesh Oza

Giants fans love their M&Ms.

Mays and McCovey:
Willie and Willie
Hit a combined 1,181 home runs.

Marichal and Mathewson:
Juan and Christy
Won a combined 616 games.

Madison and Matt:
Bumgarner and Cain
Led the team to three World Series.

But there is an M&M who never
Hit a homer,
Pitched an inning,
Or won a World Series game.

For 65 years Mike Murphy never
Had his name in a lineup,
Had his name on a baseball card,
Had his name balloted for the Hall of Fame.

But like San Francisco’s fog, Murph was always
In plain sight,
Serving first as a batboy,
And then as the Giants’ clubhouse manager.

Better than most, Murph understands that
Baseball’s Invisible Visibles
Make the game move over a season,
Mark the game’s evolution over decades.

Mike Murphy Makes History as S.F. Giants Hall of Fame Inductee