The 100-Year Dream (Cubs)

by Tim McClure

100 will soon be here,
‘08 to ‘08 we do fear,

A ‘45 goat or ‘69 cat,
Durham’s glove or a fan’s catch,

Bone the curse, don’t wait for next year!

Some say with a goat we were cursed,
Some say it’s an error at first,

Black cats with the Mets,
Or Bartman’s bad catch–

I fear the Cubs are the worst.

The series I wish they could win,
For naught now it seems like a sin,

They’ve tried for so long,
It’s the same old song,

Who’ll ever see it, my kin?

They’ve won! I can’t believe it!
In the ninth with a home run hit!

We’ve waited so long,
The field is a throng,

I just woke up… Oh S**t!

The Red Sox did it four years ago,
The White Sox were next in line to glow,

We thought we were next,
Our muscles were flexed,

But our Cubs missed their turn in the show.

There’s a dream that’s been dreamt for awhile,
That we’d smoke the Cardinals with style.

We’d tromp ’em real good,
Like we know we should.

This Cub’s dream isn’t wicked nor vile.

There was an old team called the Cubs,
Who for years have looked just like subs.

They’ve tried to get better,
But have seemed in fetters,

‘Cause the curse has left all those flubs.

Posted 7/30/07

7th Inning Stench

by Sid Yiddish

Last call for alcohol
Last call for your nation at bat
It was that last great league in Irish Town where he never forgets

The crack of the bat feels like the spit of his fame just blowin’ in the breeze
Like the crumbled skeleton staring at the door with its head between its knees

Old skeleton knows where it’s going, night after night after night
To wash its hands of curses, sins of the past 80 years, look in the mirror and cry

For it’s the soul of the league that’s on trial
No longer can a skeleton smile, just shake, like those pep pills and drugs and business that now sweeps it under the rug, while the GAT of the thug is shoved into the back of the big boss who pushes aside the integrity of the game for payoffs and thrills

The record is broken, the record is cast
The crowd doesn’t say much when the dark shadow is cast into stone or the graveyard in the hall
He cast the first shadow, so he did fall

The crowd remains silent
The crowd still remains

Old skeleton washes up in a sea of notoriety

Like the spit of his fame.

Posted 7/19/07

The Running of the Tartabull

by Sandy Marshall

Oh Danny,
The heart of a bull.

Hey, Danny,
Go, Danny!
The “Star Well” is full!

Now Danny!
It’s time Danny!
The son of Jose’ . . .

Stand Danny,
That’s right, Danny,
It’s time now to play.

Breathe, Danny,
On deck, Danny,
You just left the hole

Now hit, Danny,
Home run, Danny –
Grand Slam Tartabull!

Junior King

by Cory Riddle

The backwards cap, the silk-smooth swing
Once again, The Kid feels like The King.
No steroids talk, no BALCO rumor–
The game has always been pure fun for Junior.

Back in the outfield, out in San Fran
If only everything had gone to plan.
An All-Star once again, out in the bay
Nostalgia knocks: dreams of Griffey’s heyday.

Posted 7/16/07

(Sorry to get to it a week after the All-Star Game, Cory) 

Big Klu Viewed Through Lens of Blue

Biceps like well-tempered iron,

Frightening to see,

Was Ted Kluszewski.

No shirtsleeves wore he,

Did Ted Kluszewski.

And if you asked him why, he’d

Grind you into loose tea.

In his day he was feared,

The toughest man on the Ponderosa.

But today his muscles are matched

By Sammy Sosa

And Mark DeRosa.