
by Michael Ceraolo

Herb Score

No tragedy here,
just one of those unfortunate incidents
that are sometimes part of the game:
Gil’s line drive didn’t end my career,
though I was out for the rest of the season;
it was arm trouble that did me in
And if I hadn’t been a player
I never would have become a broadcaster
I have to thank Bob Neal,
my first broadcast partner;
he never made me look bad
while I was learning on the job,
and I had a steep learning curve

Gil McDougald

I’m glad Herb doesn’t blame me;
I couldn’t have continued if he did,
or if that had ended his career
I think it did affect me;
I wasn’t as good a hitter afterward
A few years later I heard rumors
the Yankees were going to leave me unprotected
in the upcoming expansion draft,
so I said I would retire
rather than go to another teams
Yankee management feared this was a threat
to their absolute control and said so publicly
I think they were greatly surprised
when I stayed retired


Yankees 5, Blue Jays 2

by Stephen Jones

Despite four walks for Aaron Judge —
Even Toronto fans murmured disapproval;
They too wanted to see history made —
The Yankees still clinched the division.
Maybe now, with all that behind him,
Judge can now hit his 61.


Albert the Great

By James Finn Garner

To the 700 home run goup
We can add Pujols with a whoop
After that crank
He joins Babe, Bonds and Hank
And our joy in the game we recoup.

Paul Waner

by Michael Ceraolo

Oklahoma wasn’t a state yet when I was born there
it was still largely part of the Wild West
And a part of the Wild West ethos
was the ability to hold your liquor
I showed that ability early on,
and I always thought it helped my ballplaying,
relaxing me, and allowing me
to the lines and alleys at Forbes Field,
piling up those doubles and triples;
one season I gave up the booze
and couldn’t hit worth a damn,
so I resumed drinking on the manager’s orders
Of course,
such didn’t help my life after baseball