Boo Hoo Lou

by Hilary Barta

So sad about “Sweet Lou” Piniella,
A stand-up and Hall of Fame fella.
The Cubs made him cry
While saying goodbye
By playing their way to the cella.

Hilary Barta is a lifelong Cubs fan, award-winning comic illustrator, and owner of the terrific site, LimerWrecks.

Managing to Smile

by Todd Herges

Each Major League skipper is Atlas,
the weight of the world on his back.
While once did he play
with fun teammates each day,
he now must be stern, never lax.

A thousand decisions each game day
await the wise calls of this man,
so time with the guys
sharing jokes and high fives
in the clubhouse would just never stand.

Upon him are so many eyes –
players’, owners’ and writers’ and fans’ –
the stress makes him sour
and his look becomes dour
as he surveys the diamond and plans.

He likes most his time in the shower.
It’s there he escapes for a while
the press of the press
the GM who knows best
and his wife who likes life in high style.

So why does he deal with this mess?
There’s just something about a great quest!
The end of the year
might bring rings, happy tears
and some pride at how well he has guessed.

Deadline Day!

By Stuart Shea

Deadline day is coming!
Whose lives will be uprooted?
What players will be traded
Like cargo to be scooted?

Will the Yankees snag a pitcher,
The Tigers a receiver?
The White Sox need a hitter,
The Dodgers a reliever.

The Diamondbacks are out to deal,
The Cubs would like to trade,
And Kansas City always wants
To trim payroll a shade.

Ted Lilly and Roy Oswalt,
Dan Haren and Dotel,
Dunn’s a done deal also
Once their clubs decide to sell.

So ship out all those veterans,
Young prospects for to grab,
’cause clubs in flag contention
Always have to take a stab.


by Stephen Jones


historically despite sun
& fun of fans there was
Steinbrenner Sheppard Houk

everything pitched maybe
not pitch-perfect
but a bridging arcing

remember the summer
kiss the autumn
& when October comes

see The Yankees rise

We’ll Miss You, George

By Stuart Shea
Now that George is dead,
Who’ll say the things that need not be said?
Now that George is gone,
Who will carry on and carry on and carry on?
Now that George has passed,
Who’ll deliver a ridiculous blast?
Now that George is history,
Who’s left to make the Yankees a travesty?


Posted 7/15/2010