The Baseball Sonnet

by Estrid Balslev
I felt: A bee was swarming in my bonnet!
A voice said, “You’re a bard, so you must write
A real poem, full of spunk and bite.
In other words, you have to write a sonnet.”

“And what about?” I asked the eerie voice.
“On baseball,” was his firm and clear reply.
“Excuse me that I have to ask you why,”
I answered, but he said I had no choice.

“Of baseball I know less than does my cat,”
I said to him. “Come, let us have a chat

On other things that I might write about.”
He told me I had better close my snout

And just get going. Curse him! All the same,
I’m sure that baseball is a splendid game.
Estrid Balslev is a poet and performance artist from Denmark.

Posted 6/10/2010

You’ll Wonder Where His Power Went

by David Bellel


Hey, hey, A-rod, eyes of blue
What’s cookin with you?
Your power went away like the birds that flew

My power lost, that’s just not true
Got me a new hammer-on
With new Camer-on

Though some may wonder
That yellow still makes me hyper-vent
There’s a different pep
For this studly gent

New package
New flavor
New formula, too
Just give it time
Soon balls will climb


Check out the rest of David’s Yankee musings at his blog Pseudo-Intellectualism.

Posted 6/9/2010

27 Fish

By Stuart Shea

27 fish came up,
27 fish went down.

Baiting his hook with sinkers
Sliders, heat, and curves,
Halladay set down every fish
And he betrayed no nerves.

27 fish came up,
27 fish went down.

Snaring every one
And tossing them in his boat,
Halladay did a good day’s work
And earned a right to gloat.

27 fish came up,
27 fish went down.

Hunter, Koufax, Robertson,
Bunning, Wells, Buehrle,
Halladay is now in
Interesting company.

27 fish came up.
27 fish went down.
Posted 6/8/2010

Ace Not So High

by Jim Siergey


The ace on the White Sox, Mark Buehrle
Now hurls like T.V.’s Mr. Furley
Goes into his kick
Then throws like he’s sick
And exits the game rather early.


Jim Siergey is the author of the Cubs’ sci-fi epic, If They Did It. You can see his illustrations and other work at his website here.

Posted 6/8/10

Double Armando Haiku

By Joe Moag

Uproar in the press!
Lupica wants Selig to
Bend time…space…honor.

Override ump’s call?
This summer’s game ain’t perfect.
Not one for the books.

Posted 6/6/10