Pastime Symphony in C Major: Game Day at Wrigley Field

by Todd Herges


Dedicated to Donald Hall,  with reaffirmation that he is a true baseball man not of the Bush League variety.

It starts outside, from the Street Section,
with a dolce voce buzz.
Percussion of feet on sidewalk keeps the beat,
punctuated by occasional horns.

Now bring in the Siren,  a few blocks distant,
for just a moment, now off,
replaced by the Timpani rumble
of an elevated Red Line train.

Drumming continues with volume increasing
as more musicians walk on stage
to join their fanatical peers.
This is going to be a concert to remember!

A frantic girl from the String Section is running late,
an alto sax guy staggers a bit –
from his pep band’s pre-concert set
at the Cubby Bear Lounge, across the street.

All line up in queues as Maestro gives cue
to the Electronic Beep section – demure as flutes, no:  more
assertive than flutes, followed by turnstile ka-thunks.
The days of sneaking in on yesterday’s ticket are gone.

A barely contained thunder grows as voices are funneled
up ramps and through tunnels
and now they break through
to an Elysian view
of greenest grass and ivy,
of rich brown dirt dotted with sparkling white bases,
of blue summer sky festooned with crepe paper contrails,
of Players poised and vital in clean pinstripes.

A pause, as the Orchestra gathers in full and reflects.
This is what they have waited for,
this is why they’ve spent so long working, saving,
studying the sports page sheet music, traveling, to get HERE.

And now, Philharmonic finely tuned, the real concert begins.
Sound the organ anthem!

Stand and stretch and mouth the words.

Flutter the flags with a breathy breeze.
Play ball.

Hot Dogs!  Peanuts!  Cracker Jack!  Cold Beer HERE!
The pop of a pitch in the mitt;
the crack of a bat amidst sudden brief silence;
the appreciative roar of the crowd.

Beauty and truth
and symphonic perfection
on a June afternoon
in Chicago.


Posted 5/7/2010


by Hart Seely


Surrendering doubles,
Hurling ‘neath a frown,
Dwelling o’er his troubles,
.            Javy’s feeling down.


Cries from the bleachers,
“Take him out! The clown!”
Mad, hurful creatures…
.             Javy’s feeling down.


Balls soaring higher,
Far across the town,
Javy’s serving sliders,
.              Never coming down.


Hart Seely is the author of O Holy Cow: The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto and Mrs. Goose Goes To Washington.  His Yankee blog, It Is High, It Is Far, It Is….caught, is a must-read for pinstripe fans everywhere.

Posted 5/6/2010

Ernie Harwell

by James Finn Garner


Now the Tigers’ voice has been quieted.
He saw teams that won, and fans that rioted.
He saw a man play in the bigs after jail.
He saw a boy pitching tell his baseball a tale.
He saw a flawed man win 31 games,
The careers of good men go up in flames.
He watched a beloved ballpark decay
And the City of Wheels fall by the way.
Yet he knew in the end it was only a game.
God’s plan ignores things like money and fame.
A bat’s just a branch, a mitt is just leather.
Baseball’s true worth is bringing people together.

Some night, when a hit curves decidedly foul,
We’ll hear a faint voice with a sweet Georgia drawl,
Say, chuckling with fathomless love for it all,
“A man from Paradise just caught that ball.”


Posted 5/5/2010

Our greatest endorsement

Pork Haiku #1

By Gary Gillette

In honor of broadcaster Mario Impemba who, during the April 12 Tigers broadcast, talked about how Royals skipper Trey Hillman had managed the “Ham Fighters”…


Nippon Ham Fighters!
WTF? Americans
Fear Pugnacious Pork.


Posted 4/29/10