Opening Day

by Stephen Jones

Like Christmas a day
to be opened
bat and ball ball and bat

to argue in summer sunshine
disputing calls/balls on base
here/there and beer and brats

and then a quiet ride home


Posted 4/14/10

American League Central 2010 Haiku Forecasts

By Stuart Shea

A Putz in the ‘pen,
Another in the dugout,
Not just birds Twitter.

No more wedge issues.
It’s time to see just how good
This ballclub can be.

A brand new springtime?
Whatchoo talkin’ bout, Willis?
This is your autumn.

As tulips and tree pollen,
95 losses.

Mauer power is
Ensured for many more moons
In the new playpen.

Posted 4/11/2009

April 1, 2010

by Doug Fahrendorff

Football done
Except perhaps in New Orleans
Basketball nearly so
The carousel of seasons
Has turned again
Baseball,the harbinger of spring
Working it’s way north
Soon from playgrounds
To “The show”
A new seaon will begin
Play ball!


Posted 4/8/2010

American League East 2010 Haiku Forecasts

By Stuart Shea

Thousands of tweeters
Will talk of Matt Wieters while
Driving their beaters.

The spring mist rises
From the humid Fens again…
Wait, that’s fan B.O.

Autumn nears for A-
Rod, Mo, Jeter, Posada,
And, yes, Randy Winn.

A young rotation,
Some MVP candidates,
A tough division.

The center fielder
Needs to break his fall this spring–
Then all will be Wells.

Posted 4/6/2010

Opening Day

by Stephen Jones


OK OK it’s time
for hardball and bat

for a smack! or a ding!
now Spring later Summer

beginning with
good-natured arguments

in hardbacked seats
speculations jostling

’til October
when the game really begins


Posted 4/6/2010