Mel Hall (Your Reward Has Just Begun)

by Sid Yiddish

Mel Hall

Thought he knew it all

That big ape

Doesn’t he know that rape carries a fine?

Plenty heavy like his deed

To satisfy his need


45 years is a mighty long time

To think about his crime

Is that what he said to his victim, while helping himself to a piece of the pie?


Back, back, back, hey, hey!




Some time in the slammer, Mr. Hall

Think you know it all?


Your reward has just begun.

Just begun.




Doing 20 won’t be enough


Just ask the little girl

Whom he thought he could do it with

And get away while stealing

Her innocence.


Posted 8/3/2009

Name Recognition

by Rube Goldberg

But here the son broke in and said,
“These guys are new to me.
I never heard of Taft or Hughes
Or Bryan, honestly.
I never saw those queer old names
When looking through the score,
I’d understand you better, Pa,
If you mentioned John McGraw.”

Taken from Crazy ’08 by Cait Murphy.

Published 7/27/09


by Doug Fahrendorff

Don’t tip your hand too soon
Like poker deception is key
The infield deep
Confident you’re swinging away
Push the ball
To the right side
Past the pitcher
Out of the box

 Published 7/24/09