A Cub Fan Reflects on the Astros

by Tim Souers

I wish the Astros all of the worst.
I find myself happy when they’re not in first.
With his dancing so flirty,
I wish Jose Valverde
Caught a cleat and his ligaments burst.

Published 6/12/09

Tim Souers posts new original artwork daily at his site Cubby-Blue, and is a regular illustrator for the Cubs’ monthly Vine Line.


by Jeffrey Felshman

Why should I care what happens in Queens?
What happens in Queens should stay in Queens.
I like the isle of Manhattan (you know I do),
a borough that’s lost three baseball teams.
The Mets played there for a year or two,
but then the team moved to Queens –
a place you pass through
to a place you’d rather be.

So why should I care about a team from Queens?

In Queens: travelers are served by two airports
In Queens: commuters choose subways or els
In Queens: drivers grit their teeth on the BQE
In Queens: drivers spit their bile on the LIE


In Queens: big business held a World’s Fair.
In Queens: baseball hosted three World Series.
In Queens: the locals speak of miracles.
In Queens: it’s a miracle anyone lives
in Queens.


When I was a kid
waiting for the train
outside Shea Stadium,
After a two-hit gem by Tom Seaver,
Backed with four hits by Cleon Jones,
A hard slide by Bud Harrelson,
A sliding catch by Tommie Agee,
Any catch by Ron Swoboda,
A clutch ribby by Art Shamsky,
then Ron Taylor in relief,

Then I didn’t want to leave

Published 6/10/09


by Doug Fahrendorff

Milwaukee seemed near that summer
Earl Gillespie and
Blaine Walsh
Brought us the excitement
As the Braves
Battled for the pennant
The radio our ticket
To County Stadium
Aaron and Matthews
Spahn and Burdette
A World Series win
Over the hated Yankees
Celebrate Wisconsin!

Posted 6/9/2009

Near Cutdown Day

By Stuart Shea

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

You’re 36
You’ve got one bad knee
And your last two-year contract
Ended in 2003.

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

You’re not at home
While your children grow
Your wife’s been waiting
And she deserves to know.

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

If you’re the last cut,
Have you had your fill?
Or will you take that deal
In Louisville?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Published 6/8/2009