Yankee Stadium Exhibition Opener

by Ember Nickel


Precariously perched between the spring
Of simple fantasies and the real thing
Becoming more peerless with every day–
Can I criticize an excuse to play?

I watched it on the computer, full-screen.
The scoreboards I’ve  seen look much like this. Bright
Garish ads with limitless width and height.
The game filled the screen, and usually worked.
But sometimes it jerked and blurred, like it had
Been magnified too far, like that was bad.
Four-four in the fourth inning. Fours could not
Be wild, I’d thought. Too big for the game
They might repeat–but it is not the same.


A former contributor to Baseball Toaster, Ember’s blog is Lipogram! Scorecard!, where this poem first appeared.

Posted 4/13/09.

God Talks to Detroit

by James Finn Garner

For all the times you’ve prayed to me,
Beseeching for a victory–
“Let him strike out,” “We need this hit” –
And clogged my in-box with this stuff,

You choose to hold Opening Day—
Praise be to me—on Good Friday?
People, watch you don’t make me mad,
Or the Tiges will get what the Lions had.


Posted 4/9/09.


by Doug Fahrendorff

Warm weather returns
Like a long-absent friend
Opening day
Last season’s disappointments
Expectations high
For the new season
Will this finally be
Next year.


Posted 4/6/09


By Stuart Shea

Without its K-Rod,
Sun-dappled Orange County
Prepares for a fight.

Green-and-gold adorned
Athletes play in stadia
Named for software.

In football country,
The titans of summer’s game
Proceed unnoticed.

Tho Junior returns,
Creaky knees and failing sight,
The M’s will blow chunks.


Posted 4/3/09