An Ode to Wild Bill Hagy (1938-2007)

By Stuart Shea

Wild Bill Hagy was an Orioles fan,

Looked like most any other big man,

Belly hanging low over loose blue jeans,

Full of cold beer and likewise of beans.

Back in the days ‘fore Camden Yards,

When the orange-clad O’s held all the cards,

Wild Bill Hagy was a half-crazed horse

Who pawed his ground as a cheerleading force.

He stood on the dugout during each game

And spelled out “Orioles” with his mighty frame.

Every O’s fan from near and far

Watched Wild Bill—he became a star.

The years rolled on and the O’s declined,

They left Memorial for a new state of mind.

Hagy didn’t lead cheers at the new park,

The team’s new owners didn’t like that spark.

And now he’s gone, though memories hold,

Of the glorious days of Orioles old,

Of Weaver and Murray, Palmer and Cal,

Dempsey, Roenicke, Pat Kelly, and Al.

Gimme an H!

Gimme an A!

Gimme a G!

Gimme a Y!

What’s that spell?


Posted 8/29/2007

Caught Him Looking

by Sid Yiddish

A Swing And A Miss, Strike 1

In the lore of the game, nothing stays the same for long, as I sit in my box seat with my scorecard and observe the trend toward extinction of the verb used only sparingly

The Stretch, The Pitch

Just ask Pete Rose.
He certainly knows what it’s like to hear it.
Or ask the eight men in black who never got back their souls misplaced with anger nearly 87 years ago.

High and Inside, Ball 1

And yet, there are other excuses that are washed away. Hands slapped and fines paid and suspensions which mean virtually nothing because it is so common in these times.

Checked Swing, Strike 2

Trends come and go and I’ve seen a lot just sitting here observing, and it’s sad for a league that believes in legitimacy, is also the same league that would also suddenly shift as in swerving to avoid outright hitting what is so obviously true.

Low and Away, Ball 2

The feel-good swat-swingers; too many to count.

Foul Ball, The Count Still Two And Two

Too many to pinpoint and ask them how they could be so cruel to the game. Better to tell them that they will never amount to the greatness they once were.

Ball 3, That’s Chin Music! Full Count

Pop a pill, inject the juice, and exhale their honesty in a single fret, grimly smiling for the naïve fan base not caught up in all the hoopla of the mania moment.

Strike 3, He Struck Him Out!

Seating in my seat, I tear up my scorecard into little tiny pieces and cry softly to myself, knowing that the game stats will never again be so balanced.

Posted 8/27/2007

Texas Flood

by James Finn Garner

Thirty runs hath the Rangers,
To whom before big games were strangers.

The Orioles ‘pen came out to play
And gave a goose to their ERA.

Saltalamacchia swung his stick
and helped his average 83 clicks.

“Too bad,” the moms of O’s might mewl,
“The bigs don’t have a slaughter rule.”

Posted 8/24/2007

The Mighty Big Klu

by Caleb Wiley

Big Klu and his guns struck fear
In opponents both far and near.
His sleeves were ripped out, swung the bat with great clout,
The Mighty Big Klu was he.

His biceps were frightening indeed.
He caused the old hardball to bleed.
No doubt he was big, he also was tough,
The Mighty Big Klu was he.

His muscles were au naturel,
Unlike DeRosa and Sosa, et al.
No steroids or juice, just nature unloosed,
The Mighty Big Klu was he.

Posted 8/21/2007