Dialogue: Jacque Jones and a Cubs Fan

by Stu Shea

“Today I make a promise from my soul

That I will try my best in my new role.

I will not swing at sliders aimed at my back foot,

Nor run the bases like I’m wearing gumboots.

Or make a six-hop throw toward the plate

That never gets the runner ’cause it’s late.

I hope that I can keep this oath.”



“You and me both.”


Posted 6/21/07

White Sox in the Wash

By Stu Shea


Sure, they won the World Series just two years ago,

But that’s history, bro.

Get hip!

Chicago is slumping

The media’s dumping

And everyone’s jumping the ship.

The season’s turned into the crumbs of corn chips.

No one’s even surprised

At Guillen’s rude slips of the lip

For his team’s gotten older

And the value of aging, .230-ish sluggers is —  zip.

Shouldn’t someone ring Kenny Williams’ bell?

Inform him, pray tell,

That after two years,

Even good socks can smell?

3 Haiku

by Jeff Fleming

I wish the Cubs had
Ichiro Starting in Right
Instead of Jacques Jones.

The Wooden Elbow
Continues to be creaky–
For godsakes, just pitch!

About Barry Bonds’ Seventy-Third:

Posted 6/15/07

Barry Bonds #12

by Lou Carlozo

Despite Barry Bonds’ many homers,
It appears that his body’s a loaner,

For his steroid technique
Birthed an android’s physique:

An aluminum bat for a boner.

Dome for the Deranged

By Dean Weflen

O give us a home
Where no buffalo roam
Under tarp by the baggie we play,
Where echos are heard
While Punto’s at third,
And at first hear JM say, “Eh.”

Dome, Dome for the deranged,
Why ever play baseball outside?
Fly balls disappear,
and hit speakers we fear.
Those carpet burns sure hurt when you slide.

Published 6/14/07