You Really Can’t Go Home Again

by Michael X. Ferraro

Rhys Hoskins’ first game back in Philly
was a definite “all-the-feel”-er.
Tears in the dugout, hugs with Harper,
and he hammered like Hank off Wheeler.
Chuckles and winks when he swiped second,
to the shock of JT Realmuto.
But an unwelcome visitor back at home–
laid low by a sweet Rojas throw.

Dear Facundo

by Jim Siergey

He played in just 69 games,
Of obscurity he was a paragon
But he had one of my favorite names:
Rest in peace, Cuno Barragan.

June 20, 1932 — May 12, 2024

(He DID hit a home run in his first major league at-bat.)


The Tycoon

by Ogden Nash

The business life of Mr. Musial
is, to say the least, unusual.
First base, outfield, restaurant, bank,
All are home to Stanley Frank.
One moment, slugger of lethal liners,
The next, mine host to hungry diners,
And, between the slugging and the greeting,
To the bank for a directors’ meeting.
Yet no one grudges success to Stan,
Good citizen and family man,
Though I would love to have his job…
One half tycoon, one half Ty Cobb.

Nash with Dagmar on the TV show Masquerade Party, 1955.

Tell All the Stats but Tell them Slant

by Dr. Rajesh C. Oza

In honor of Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886. In 1887, the first Negro League was formed.

Tell all the stats but tell them slant —
Success in the baseball Circuit lies
Too bright for our unconscious bias
The Truth’s superb surprise is
Like a ball hit lightening quick
With Josh Gibson atop
Ty Cobb’s dazzling batting record
Or every fan be blind —